Absence (Plus Skyping) Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Lately, people have been asking me about long-distance dating, which made me think of my brother. He and his wife are rock and ice climbers. In addition, she teaches winter Olympic athletes, and he does trade shows for a premiere manufacturer of climbing equipment. They recently returned from Spain where she taught school for several months. He eventually got to join her, and they had a terrific time climbing in that region─but he missed her greatly when they were apart. It made him realize even more how much he loves her. During that time, Skype was their mode of communication. Since my brother could see his wife while Skyping, he felt like she was much closer. And since there are no long distance charges for Skype video chat, the money he saved helped him afford the trip to Spain. The night before he left, he was so excited he couldn’t sleep. Isn’t he quite the romantic?!
There are other popular video chat options for keeping a long distance relationship alive. They include Google Chat, AIM, and the Skype-powered Facebook Video Chat, which recently launched. With that program, you can even leave behind a video message if the person you are calling does not answer.
I have a vast array of single girlfriends who have traveled to Europe. Each is drawn to a different type of guy and was hoping for a little romance along with the castles, culture, and history. They all found what they wanted, and the ones who made lasting relationships used Skype to keep the flame alive after they flew home. Some even married their European sweethearts! It was predictable. After all, it’s not hard to see where a relationship is heading when you start your day by turning on Skype to touch base with the object of your affection, and end it back online with him before heading to bed.