10 Tips to Surviving Swimsuit Season
Every time I go on vacay to a warm beach, there is a part of me that isn’t all that excited to put on a swimsuit. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I have some swimsuit-wearing phobia, but I think most girls can relate to just wanting to be able to bring on all the delicious vacay food without thinking about the fact that I’m wearing next to nothing all day. So here are my ten tips to surviving swimsuit season. Note: these are non-workout tips because, let’s face it, if we have a vacay planned for next week, no matter how much we work out, our figures won’t miraculously change.
1. Take time picking out your suit. Generally, I’m racing up to day that I depart for vacay, scrambling to get everything done in time, so I grab the first cute suit I see. But I’ve found that if I spend extra time trying on options before I leave and find one that I especially love, I’m a whole lot more willing to throw it on with carefree abandonment once I arrive.
2. Self-tanner. I clearly didn’t follow this tip! But I think a little tan always makes a girl feel like she looks better when braving a bare suit.
3. Remember the fun factor. Honestly, would you rather spend time with someone who looked like a beach Barbie, or someone who was out there having fun? I’d go for the fun factor every time. So remember that vacay is about relaxing and having a good time. Anyone can do that.
4. Never be a slave to the trends. Who cares if an unflattering style is trendy? If you don’t feel good wearing it, don’t go for it. I’m sorry friends, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to pull off a thong bikini. It’s just not happening!
5. Never diet on vacation, but avoid binge-eating. Yes, vacation is about having fun, but I’ve had friends who packed in so much junk food and drinks that halfway through the trip they felt miserable. It’s hard to feel good about yourself, when you feel miserable.
6. Fabrics Matter. When choosing a bathing suit, I always go for one with thicker material. This is because the ones with thin material stretch out quickly in chlorinated pools.
7. Do the dance test. I know you may feel silly dancing around in a bathing suit before you buy it, but this is important. You want to make sure that it’s move-proof. Who wants to go on vacay and not be able to play beach volleyball, take water aerobics, or jump in the pool without flashing everyone? Trust me…I’ve witnessed many bathing suit malfunctions!
8. Beware of white suits. Light-colored suits can be stunning, but once they’re wet you can be putting on more of a show than you were planning on!
9. No Big Deal. Remember, if you do happen to have a suit malfunction, it’s happened to a myriad of others girls. Don’t take up time being worried when you can use that time having fun.
10. Remember that everyone gets self-conscious. I have been stunned to learn that my most gorgeous girlfriends can be those who are most worried about how they look. So try as much as possible to shed self-consciousness.