Product Pitfalls
Gotta love a grandma with so much attitude that she’s been kicked out of several rest homes. How many partially-paralyzed 91-year-olds would figure out how to sneak past her motion detector?! She reasons that life is too short to be hindered by a little thing like that. This picture was taken before her stoke.
Well, Grandma was recently forced to switch homes again, so I overhauled her makeup products to help her get ready for her many guests. It’s been awhile since I’ve given her a makeover and her makeup regimen seriously needed one. There were empty lipsticks tubes, products with lost tops, and outdated items.
I really don’t want my grandma to get an eye infection, so I got rid of the old, brought in the new, and organized everything.
All of this got me thinking about product pitfalls. Here are three tips to stay healthy while enjoying your makeup.
Never Scrimp on Mascara. There are some beauty products that you can safely squeeze every last bit of life out of, but not mascara. It should be replaced every three months. This is critical because it can breed bacteria. A close friend of mine recently had a sty in her eye that became so badly infected she now has a lump that can only be surgically removed. According to her doctor, the prime suspect is her old mascara. I rest my case.
Keep Your Skin Happy. For those of you who are prone to allergic reactions or Rosacea, the right foundation is imperative. I’ve had Rosacea since I was a kid and NARS is currently the only one that doesn’t give me red splotches. The ingredients are known for being natural. I used to shy away from the brand because it’s expensive, but if you have sensitive skin, this splurge is worth the sacrifice.
Let Go of Germy Lipsticks. Years ago, a trusted markup artist told me that if a lipstick smells like a crayon, it’s filled with bacteria and belongs in the trash.