Around the World
I have no doubt that those of you who saw our video remember my friend, Ryan, and his terrific dating insights. If you missed his tips – from managing the friend zone to dealing with a love draught – here’s your chance to hear them. https://youtu.be/TgfApiCBvrI After our interview, he taught me to rock climb.
To say that I actually climbed is a bit of a stretch. As you can see, there was a lot of resting incorporated into the excursion;)
Ryan has dated a diverse group of women and this has given him insights that others who are not so open-minded and adventurous don’t have. Here’s another one of his philosophies, which I find wonderful: “I’ve been fortunate to date and make friends with women from around the world. Learning about other cultures is a valuable part of life. As we embrace the customs of other countries, we become more well-rounded people.” To Ryan, learning about others is so special that even when he isn’t finding someone he wants to date at the moment, finding new friends is worth the effort.