
Glamour Ambassador Inspired by Meeting European Men!

July 25, 2011



I love my readers! Here are excerpts from emails I received from one of them, Michelle Sanchez: “Love, love your book!” “Your book actually inspired me to get a job that would allow me the freedom to travel and low and behold I got a job in marketing/sales travel for an Australian company. So I will actually be spending a lot of time in Europe come the fall… I would love to see your book translated into film (it would make for some amazing eye candy for sure!).”

Michelle is a successful marketing and public relations manager, a brand ambassador for Glamour magazine, a journalist for LA Socialite Examiner, and a dedicated philanthropist—a woman after my own heart! And that is just during the day. At night, Michelle’s work takes her to the hottest parties and star-studded soirées. Her articles and columns cover the latest fashion, charity, and society events. Wow girl! When do you fit sleep into your schedule?! But there is more. This amazing woman is a founding member of The Four Pearls of the Beckstrand Cancer Foundation.

I am thankful for readers like Michelle who are helping make the world a better–and more entertaining–place! She said that I could reveal her name and use her picture for this post. If you’d like to share your story and responses to my book, I’d enjoy hearing from you too.

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